Customer Testimonials

I still get nervous every time I send a drum to its new home, and of course I am always pleased and relieved to hear that the instrument has arrived with no shipping damage. But it is the reaction of the client when they open the carton which really keeps me motivated. Generally, two things happen. They write to me to describe how beautiful the drum looks, sounds and makes them feel, and more often than not, they begin the discussion about the next project. I’m not somebody who is prone to brag, but I receive some pretty over-the-top praise about our drums.  Following are just a few comments excerpted from unsolicited testimonials by our clients...

I consider Pete Stanbridge to be the Stradivarius of snare drum builders. I actually own five of his drums and just placed an order for my sixth, so that should tell you what I think of his drums.  His craftsmanship is off the charts and the wood hoops are the finest man has yet to achieve.  The cross stick sound is unbelievable.  I'm actually surprised his drums don't cost more considering the one of a kind snare you end up with and I believe they will be worth a lot years from now. I can't say enough good things about Pete and his gorgeous instruments and I hope you add one to your collection.  You won't be disappointed.  TS.


I've been making a living banging on drums for 45 years,

and occasionally taking some time to read the ad copy put out by the drum companies.  Each one of these ads carries the subtext: play our drums and your problems are solved. After my experience with the drum you've shipped, I'll believe anything and everything you ever say in the future; this despite the negative conditioning caused by four-color,  full-page spreads. Until I received your drum, I'd never played on an instrument that can be tensioned to a degree that provides a good rebound and yet is still dark and thick. The edges

project well, and rolls at all dynamic levels are effortless. 

Thank you for providing me with such a wonderful drum.   HK.


I took your drum to my session last night. The engineer barked "what the hell is that" when I first played it. It was the unanimous choice for both tracks. I can honestly tell you this is the finest snare drum I’ve ever played and I’ve played a lot of snares. The feel, the tone, everything is just killer. I find it has much more clarity than any wood drum I’ve played,

without being harsh at all. That smoky quality that I love about

mahogany drums is there in spades with so much headroom, it's really unbelievable. When I'm ready for another snare, I’ll be contacting you and only you. Thanks, again, Pete

This is truly the greatest drum I have ever had the pleasure to play.   PM.


I've got to tell you that I'm speechless (which is kind of rare for me).  Pete- and I mean this in all honesty- they are truly the most beautiful drums I've ever owned and seen! I must say I consider myself very fortunate to own 2 of your incredible musical instruments.  RH.


This instrument is gorgeous beyond compare.  Mere images simply do not do it justice. It could well reside in a glass case in a museum.  The dark and light tones in the hardwood hoops compliment the character of the shell and serve to tie it all together.  The gold hardware adds an element of elegance to an already exquisite visual experience. This snare is also very sensitive and speaks with gentleness and clarity when played very softly.  I have nothing but resounding praise for the outstanding appearance and superb aural qualities of this incredible instrument - and it's only just the beginning. This instrument is hands-down the coolest thing I've ever owned.  MH.